miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014

New Year 2014 Calling

The Human Organism has Awakened to New Realities. 

Perception - PsYc(h)oLogi*o(s)Kal - MetapHysical - Spirit-Ritual - Revelatory In Mystery Ways.

And trough becoming the minister of the self-religion, the direct high speed dial up and down connection with the everything and the nothing. 

The beginning and ends of things is happening now in you.

That is me 

That is all. 

Futuristic Visions    -      passing by neuroplastic machinery processors

 ordering the good and bad in data blueprints of Divine Cocreation. 

sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

The Number Generator

Earth I hear you...           ~.    It's a whisper in a dream. A floating electrical idea passing trough your mind at nano speed. Let me decode the meaning of the numbers. The mistery Whitin the geometry of the spaces we inhabited.

Visions of future speak me of... Touching the Crystal. Speaking of God, trough God, by God. Somehow transported, fallen in vacuous spaces of lighting waves. Sounding matter vibrating all around. Filaments of memories all scattered, lost & found again. Pale images of another life. Millions of human experiences condensed in the monkey-like evolutionized fingertips of reasoning. Bordering madness like a skater in the MUDs of reality. I'm not talking cause I'm not walking... More I'm floating in the darkness, dancing in the blazes of light between dreams of extrange worlds. But outworldy nevertheless. There's not a consciousness guiding the symbols so there's no consciousness interpreting them.

Blind guide blindness trough a valley of sorrow. For a past never realized ~ a future never remembered. But I have remember... There's everything in nothingness. And every time is full of nothing. For creating is seeing but blind humanity is what encounters the Eye.

God in the reflection of a thought. Like a bubble not so cooked. A dwarf god cage in the monkey's madhouse. Mad between madness.